Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hispanic Food Fest w/ Guest Chef MeLisa & her Puerto Rican SecretFamily Recipe

We are pleased to welcome you along on our journey to Hispanic food mania!!! These photos and their captions should prove sufficient in telling our story:
This was the end product of our shopping trip but only the beginning of our flavorful, margarita-fueled kitchen adventure!
Pictured above: avocados, broccoli, extra long grain white rice, lemon, lime, sofrito, recaito, garlic, red & green bell peppers, baby (bebé) bellas, red onions (rojo), Tabasco saaauuuce, gondules, pitted green olives (verde), sazón, Goya discos, 93/7% ground beef, plum tomatoes, un potato, chips (whole grain), habaneros!, ham steak, and of course, the most high-end tequila that exists in the world: Montezuma...and margarita mix. (If you're ever wondering what section to find margarita mix, refer to the 4th photo below.) 

If you noticed, these were NOT included on the table. MeLisa made me put them back. I couldn't NOT put them on the blog though.

This one's for Yvonne! (Hi Yvonne!!!!) Sazón (seasoning) con culantro y achiote -- for flavor AND color. "A little magic in little foil packets," so says the packet.

Discos. If you're ever wondering where to find theseeee when you're making empanadas, find the Hispanic frozen section! Also, sitting on them helps to defrost them. We're guessing...

NOTE: the section of the aisle. Next to water, the booze mixers. We'll take one.

Well. I said: "Hey. MeLisa. they're really sharp knives." She nicked herself. The bleeding stopped almost instantly. You'd think she would have learned her lesson. Not 3 minutes later, another yelp! Bleeding didn't stop this time. I attribute 80% of this incident to the movement of the cheap, plastic cutting "board." And 15% to the Montezuma. 5% to MeLisa's overzealous nature. I'm willing to negotiate those calculations. Inquire within.

I, for one, did not cut myself in the preparation of my GUAC!!!!! However, I did use a food processor to do most of my "chopping." What you see here: cilantro, 2 plum tomatoes, red onion, 4 avocados, garlic, lime juice, salt, pepper, few hits of Tabasco. #NOMMMMMM.

Mashmashmashmashmashmashmashmash. MeLisa is so good at action shots. Mashmashmashmashhhh.

Ok, Yvonne. Don't worry. We are not disclosing the ingredients nor the preparation of your secret family recipe here. So, we'll just say: there's a lot of foods and seasonings happening within this pot. And some very specific cooking instructions. (I almost got slapped. Felt like I was cooking with Grammy again.) For future reference/note to self: less water.

Two things happening here: seasoning/sautéing the veggies for my veggie empanadas AND a (VERY CRUCIAL) makeshift pot lid consisting of aluminum foil and a small sauté pan. You're welcome, MacGyver.

Ok folks. Here starts the empanada making process. First, lay out a humongous line of cocaine flour.

I prepared veggies for my filling. MeLisa did her classic beef.
1/2 lb. of ground beef, red onions, sofrito, recaito, sazón, finely chopped green olives (for briny-ness), touch of tomato sauce, salt, pepper, garlic, oregano...among other ingredientes secretos.

Look at this trooper! Giving me an empanada tutorial with a bum finger.

At least the tape matches the disco! 

My turn! Wait'll you see my video commentary. 

Ta-Da! (Stance is very important.)

Eat. With. Your. Eyes. Oh mah gahhhh. Mm. Yes. Uh-huh. #nom

Don't you just want to Nom on that?!

Looooooook at it. Mmmm. Can you smell it?

We done good. #flawless 
Since this food collaboration was such a success, there will definitely be more in the near future. (: And guess what?! Not even too many leftovers! Sorryyyy (not sorry).

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dad's Famous Chili!!!

It was a chilly chili day! So I made a list and gathered ingredients for dad's famous chili. (: 
Anyone want to guess the ingredient I forgot and had to pause the cooking process to go back out for?

Chili powder. 